possibilities of peetering along the currents of traveling, finding myself groping for hope among concrete trails...i am overwhelmed by the volume of clutter, singing among saints, and bewildered children. musing in tangles of sighs, laughter and embraces that span greetings and good-byes. deciphering all of this along edges of curses and blessings.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


miroslav volf's definition of embrace:

"the will to give ourselves to others and 'welcome' them, to readjust our identities to make space for them, is prior to any judgement about others, except that of identifying them in their humanity. the will to embrace precedes any 'truth' about others and any construction of their 'justice.' this will is absolutely indiscriminate and strictly immutable; it transcends the moral mapping of the social world into 'good' and 'evil.'"


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:16 PM


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