possibilities of peetering along the currents of traveling, finding myself groping for hope among concrete trails...i am overwhelmed by the volume of clutter, singing among saints, and bewildered children. musing in tangles of sighs, laughter and embraces that span greetings and good-byes. deciphering all of this along edges of curses and blessings.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

a commute

in the fading blurs of faces and tense weight of bodies in movement and static, i ache for forever. something relentless the pursuing of a life that is see in their eyes. we seem so aimless in our pursuit of meaning. a whisper tells me of the fallenness of all of this. it is so meaningless...understanding so little about the beauty of resting in love. to revel in the frameless beauty of jazz, holding hands to comfort, leaning our tired heads on one another, smiling and enter into the paradox of community. where are we going? i ask. i ponder. where are are we going? and all the while, there is this whisper. that says, our lives are latent with love. love. agape.


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