possibilities of peetering along the currents of traveling, finding myself groping for hope among concrete trails...i am overwhelmed by the volume of clutter, singing among saints, and bewildered children. musing in tangles of sighs, laughter and embraces that span greetings and good-byes. deciphering all of this along edges of curses and blessings.

Monday, January 17, 2005

prior to hello again

she stood. i saw her smile through a windshield and yet her eyes did not cooperate with her mouth. it was sadness and i felt this thorn in my heart. i wanted to remain in the weakness of occupancy. yet in the absence will be gradations of our faith upon faith. one night we spoke of grace, our intolerable sins and the hope we have on horizons. i ate cold eggplant and vegetarian chicken with her among coughs that forced her empathy in more ways than others. so here we are apart. yet, i feel that it will be abbreviated...with our words, our photographs and the trinkets of prayers that will collage into something strangely and clumsily beautiful.


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